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Thigh Lift in Sarasota, FL

Brandon Lambiris MD has helped countless patients gain confidence by tightening loose thigh skin and creating slim legs with thigh lift surgery in Sarasota, Florida.

At West Coast Plastic Surgery, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lambiris offers a variety of body contouring procedures as well as facial plastic surgery and non-surgical options. Dr. Lambiris strives to offer the best thigh lift Sarasota has to offer and he is passionate about helping his patients feel great about how they look.

What is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift procedure, also known as thighplasty, removes excess skin and fat remaining on the inner thighs after extreme weight loss. It may or may not include liposuction depending on the amount of thigh or knee fat present.

sarasota thigh lift model sitting on a beach

Who is a candidate for a thigh lift?

Thigh lift candidates should be at or near their goal weight and maintain a stable weight for at least six months. Healthy, non-smoking individuals who have realistic expectations are the best candidates.

Thigh Lift Procedure

If the thigh lift entails liposuction, Dr. Lambiris performs this as the initial step of surgery. Surgical fat reduction allows for better shaping and definition of the thighs, which are often predisposed to store more fat than other areas of the body. During a medial thigh lift Dr. Lambiris makes an incision on the inner thigh from groin to knee, through which he trims off the excess skin and closes the incision. Thighplasty is performed under general anesthesia, so there is no discomfort during the procedure.

Thigh Lift Recovery

Most patients take two to three weeks off work for thigh lift surgery.

Driving can resume around ten days post-op. Heavy lifting, climbing stairs, and exercise is limited for six weeks. Short walks are encouraged to reduce the risk of blood clots in the legs. Dr. Lambiris prescribes medications to reduce discomfort during your thigh lift recovery period. Feelings of numbness in the thigh area may persist for three months or longer.

sarasota thigh lift model touching her head

Learn more about Thigh Lift Surgery in Sarasota

To find out more about your thigh lift options in Sarasota, book your consultation with Dr. Brandon Lambiris today by calling (941) 366-9818 or click the booking link on this page. Dr. Lambiris is a trusted plastic surgeon serving patients in Sarasota, North Port, Bradenton, and surrounding areas in Southwest Florida.

Thigh Lift FAQs

Nationally, the average cost of thigh lift surgery ranges from $2,500 to $17,000. The surgeon’s level of experience has the most significant influence on pricing. In addition, undergoing related body contouring procedures at the same time as a thigh lift increases costs. To determine how much your thigh lift will cost, book a personalized consultation with Dr. Brandon Lambiris. He will create a surgical plan tailored to your needs and provide a full breakdown of costs so you know what to expect before deciding to have surgery.

Insurance does not cover thighplasty in most cases.

A healthy lifestyle is essential to maximizing the longevity of results. Maintaining a consistent diet and exercise plan can prevent weight fluctuations that might undo the effects of thigh lift surgery.

Dr. Brandon Lambiris believes everyone deserves the opportunity to look their best. If you’ve dreamed of having plastic surgery to unlock your true potential, we encourage you to join us for a consultation. Experience the real difference plastic surgery can have on your life at West Coast Plastic Surgery in Sarasota, FL.

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